
Saku's Thoughts

Random rambling about things that I am passionate about


October 2008

Chaos; Head – Episode 3


Sorry for the late episode summary because I was away all weekend (Awesome weekend btw  ^^b ). As usual, there is a chance of spoiler so if you don’t want to be spoiled, stop reading at this point, otherwise, click below to continue reading.

Continue reading “Chaos; Head – Episode 3”

The 25th of October

Image via Gelbooru

25th of October is a special day for me and yes, today is my bday. It’s kinda weird to post about my own bday but I would like to congratulate Len Vesper @ ~fuwa who happened to have the same bday as me and also one of my cousin back home  ^^.

I found out about Len’s bday just recently when he had a live chat. Len, Blowfish , Rin and I were chit chatting about random stuff. It’s great to see what otaku collections that other people have 😀

Anyways I hope you guys have a nice weekend and I am posting from my friend’s laptop in Windsor. I am having a great time here and hoping to get drunk tonight ^^

Cheers ^^


Image via Moe Imouto

Credit goes to my friend who told me about this cool new toy that ‘s just recently available for purchase in Japan. It’s basically a 3d hologram character that you interact and play around with it. ARis is sold for 9,800 Yen and for further info, check out its official website (It’s in Japanese though :S)

Continue reading “ARis”

A New Loot Just Arrived


Emi Kizaki is reporting for duty early this evening from Hobby Search and she is expected to be available for photo shoot soon ^^. Meanwhile, Blanc Neige gets all jealous because Emi gets all the attention today ^^;;.

Beverage for Gamers

Image via Gelbooru

It really amazes me how people can come with unique(re: silly) product ideas related to gaming(re: WOW) in general these days and I happened to be one who bought the product as part of my collectibles.


I believe Rin showed me this product through someone’s blog. I couldn’t remember the blog address ^^;; and my friend thought of getting tshirt from Think Geek so without further hesitation, I told him to get me those mana potions ^^.


The suplement facts don’t make any sense at all and not sure if it’s true or not. Regardless which one, I am not going to drink it >.>. If anyone interested in getting these, you can get it at Think Geek or its official website.


Saber seems to be enjoying the mana potion ^^


If they have the commercial for this, it would be even more hilarious like the one with healing potion from FFXII.

So a question for my readers, do you ever buy weird/unique products like this before ? if yes, what is it ? ^^

Chaos;Head – Episode 2

Chaos; Head Episode 2

It was pretty tiring week for me due to Thanksgiving holiday last monday so all works piled up at work. Pulling up some long hours and each day seemed to be gone a lot faster for some reasons; I never have enough time to do everything ^^;;

However, thanks to Thanksgiving holiday, last week was pretty short (4 work days ) ^^ and weekend seemed to come really fast ^^. I don’t have anything plan for weekend either than just relaxing at home, catching up with my anime and playing my newly bought PS3. If I have a chance, I probably do photo shoot sessions with my new figure arrived 2 weeks ago.

Anyways, I don’t want to bore you guys with my real life crap so lets move on to Chaos;Head episode 2 which I just finished watching. As usual, if you don’t want to have a chance to be spoiled with the plot ( I’ll do my best no to but no guarantee ^^;;), please stop reading at this point, otherwise, well…. you know what to do ^^.

Continue reading “Chaos;Head – Episode 2”

PS3 Acquired

Image via Gelbooru

Yep, I got myself an 80gb PS3. I only have 1 game so far though which is Soul Calibur IV. Feel free to add me to your friend list an my PS3 ID is Sakurakinomoto (Saku was already taken ^^; )


Any games that you guys highly recommend, please do let me know ^^

Akatsuki Mishiro PVC 1/8 by GSC

Thanksgiving long weekend here in Canada which means time to do photo shoots of my backlog figures and luckily, we had a sunny weekend unlike previous weeks which was always cloudy. I think I get addicted in taking outdoor photo shoots just because I like the results much better and a lot of backgrounds that I can choose even though it is only in my backyard.

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Chaos;Head – Episode 1


The first episode of Chaos;Head is finally out and make sure you guys get it from your usual torrent sites ^^. After some deep thinking (well.. not really), I have decided to blog about it and do weekly episode summary. For those who missed my Chaos;Head preview, you can check it out in my previous post.


First episode always brings us a lot of unanswered questions and I am no exception since I have not played the visual novel game yet so I have no idea how the story goes. In addition, I will do my best to not spoil anything and if I accidentally do, I apologize in advanced ^^;;. If you don’t want to have a chance to be spoiled, don’t read more this article until you watch the episode ^^.

Continue reading “Chaos;Head – Episode 1”

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